
A Time to Prosper: Finding and Entering God’s Realm of Blessings is unavailable, but you can change that!

The Lord established the feasts of the Hebrew calendar so that his people could align in time with him. These feasts are not just for Jews. The authors contend that Christians, too, can order their lives according to God’s seasons. As you align with God’s calendar, learn how to war effectively for your divine inheritance and walk in the blessings God longs to bring to the earth. A Time to Prosper...

during a feast time, every room in every inn would have been filled with pilgrims coming to celebrate the feast, but at Tabernacles, there would have been sukkahs everywhere! So on that Feast of Tabernacles, the glory of God came into the sukkah as Jesus the Messiah was born! Jesus gave us an important promise at Tabernacles. In John 7, we find the account of Jesus speaking during the celebration of this feast: “On the last and greatest day of the Feast, Jesus stood
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